
What is the link between coffee and shopping?


According to a recent study, having a ☕️ before shopping may cause you to spend more money 💸!

Researchers set up a pop-up café at the entrances of stores in France and Spain. They offered shoppers coffee, decaf, or water. Half of the shoppers ordered a coffee that contained about 100 mg of caffeine while the others went for the safe option of decaf or water. After leaving the store shoppers shared their receipts with the researchers.

🔹Shoppers who opted for caffeine ended up spending 50% more and bought an extra 30% more items than those who chose decaf options. 

🔹Coffee drinkers also spent more money on non-essentials like candles and perfumes. While non-caffeinated shoppers stuck to the items they had their sights set on when they entered the store. 

Scientists explain that being a powerful stimulant and leading to a higher energetic state, caffeine enhances impulsivity and decreases self-control.

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