Learn how to build Android apps using Python


Create From Scratch Android Apps using Python

What you’ll learn

Learn how to build Android apps using Python

How to Make the Most of Kivy’s Library

How to develop an app with Kivy MD

Learn how to link your user interface to Python code

How to activate the event listener and reply to it.

How to use Kivy to send an HTTP request to a server and get a response.

Learn how to build a cross-platform application that works on Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, and Mac


You have to have strong OOP abilities.

You ought to be familiar with Python’s fundamental syntax.

You should be able to write simple Python scripts and applications.

Internet access


Do you wish to develop mobile applications for Windows, Android, and iOS devices? Thus, you are at the proper location.

In this course, you will learn how to use the Kivy library to build a mobile weather app that works on all platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and Mac. By the conclusion of the course, you will have built a comprehensive weather mobile app that works across all platforms and is able to build your own app using the techniques you have learned.

A Python package called Kivy provides you with the ability to build cross-platform apps with a gorgeous, eye-catching user interface. You won’t need to learn Java or Kotlin to just make Android applications or Swift to only create iOS apps since Python code handles all of it. However, you will save time and effort by writing just one straightforward piece of code that works on all platforms.

Who this course is for:

Python programmers who wish to build mobile applications.

Programmers and developers that seek to create cross-platform applications.

Python programmers who want to create apps for Android and iOS.

Download the full course for free

Learn how to build Android apps using Python






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